This blog needs to be cleaned up. I don't have the time or energy to really fix it right now. Things keep getting in the way. Having a computer that functioned properly would help a ton. I'm pretty sure the hard drive in this one is dying. It's making suicidal clicking noises. It could go any day, I'm just waiting to see when that day is. Hopefully I'll have a new computer by then. Also, this computer makes a pinging noise when you hit it (yes it is frustrating enough to warrant slapping sometimes, if you met it you'd understand).
I watched the Grammys for the first time ever last Sunday. I didn't watch the whole thing so I'm not sure if it counts. I just wanted to see Lady Gaga's performance. She looked so much like Marilyn Manson at some points...not that that's a bad thing, it was just confusing. I'd love to see her do a photoshoot where she looks like Omega from his Mechanical Animals era. I bet she'd look amazing with the red hair.
Gaga could totally pull off this look:
Speaking of Mechanical Animals/ aliens/ space, her red carpet dress was wonderfully spacey.
I'm very excited for Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland. It's two of my favorite things smashed together. I'm a huge Alice fan. My room is filled with Alice stuff. I really don't care if Tim Burton is "uncool" to people now, I still like his stuff (that being said I love Danny Elfman more, his music makes the movies in my opinion). Some friends and I are trying to plan a Mad Teaparty to celebrate the movie. It should be a lot of fun. I've got some ideas for some yummy tarts and some cool mushroom place settings made with frisbees. If it does happen I'll be sure to get lots of pictures.
Buzz spilled applesauce on my keyboard earlier. He's lucky to still be alive.
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