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Thursday 15 January 2009

Info Post
I supposed I should introduce myself a little in my first post. Let's name is Cassandra, I just turned 20, I love Alice in Wonderland, I'm kind of a geek, I'm constantly listening to music (add me on!!), I almost always carry bubbles around with me in my purse (you never know when a bubble blowing opportunity will present itself), I also almost always have a camera with me, I collect teapots, Halloween is my favorite holiday, followed by Easter (because I love bunnies and want to have one as a pet someday), I'm sick fairly often (I'll probably write more about that in another post), I have three kitties (Cosmo, Neko, and Buzz), and a puppy (Kasey), I really like alternative 90s stuff (especially riot grrrl), my favorite flowers are lilies, I take too many bubble baths, my hair has been tons of different colors (brown, black, blue, pink, purple, natural red, and unatural red), I'm almost always cold even in the summer, I love old movies (especially Fred Astair and Ginger Rogers movies, Oh! and Marx Brothers movies!), I'm noturnal but I try my best to stay on a "normal schedule", I love Cherry Coke...that's all I can think of for now.


This blog is basically going to be a place for me to talk about different crafty projects I'm working on and a way for me to share them when they're completed. I'll also post about things that are inspiring me at the moment or just about things that interest me. I'm not sure how the format is going to work but I figure the best way is to just start writing and see what happens. Please bear with me while I figure out all the different features blogger has. I haven't quite worked out how to do everything.

If you read this whole rambley mess thank you!
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