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Wednesday 13 June 2012

Info Post
This might be a new thing for Wednesday posts. We will have to see. But feel free to link up with me if you want to share too!

Usually come Monday I  hit the ground at a full 100mph and don't stop till the weekend. It can be fun, I get a lot done, but often times half way into the week I start getting a tad snippy.

Last night Bill came home from work, took one look at my face and suggested we eat dinner out. I do love my man! By the time we got home and tucked the kids into bed it was 7:45 and guess what? We went to bed too! Im not joking, I slept from 7:45pm to 7:15am! Whoa, I don't remember the last time I got that much sleep.

I woke up refreshed and inspired to make my Wednesdays a day to refocus, refresh, and in short be kind to myself and my family. The plan; stay home, read and pray, be peaceful, play with my children, drink coffee, paint my nails, do a little craft with the boys. What it wont be; scheduled play dates, endless errands, and anything else that makes me feel rushed or like I have to check a list. Hopefully this will help me move through our week with a little more grace and kindness :)

So on the blog on Wednesdays I'll share some things I'm loving, links I adore, maybe a quote or two. Anything that is reminding me to be kind to myself and family. Make sense? Hope so!

Here we go!
I'm loving this coffee right now. Donut Shop Coconut Mocha. It's especially good iced :)
During quite time I might work on the next blog giveaway because the colors make me so happy :) And because I really love ya'll! 
This is on my toes right now. Mojito Madness. Love love love it. And you can thank me for not taking a picture of my feet. You're welcome :)
I've got the supplies so I think this is what me might do before lunch in the backyard. Here's the link.
And for a quote, in 2 Corinthians we are called to be "helpers of their joy". How cool is that. How can you be a helper of joy?

Be kind to yourself today, to those around you. Don't we all deserve that? Love ya!


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