Breaking News
Sunday 23 August 2009

Info Post
Today was my boyfriend's last day of summer vacation. He had a really short break in between semesters because he took summer classes. We spent every day of his break together. It was wonderful. I can't wait until I'm able to be with him every day all the time. I feel like we crammed a lot of stuff into the small amount of time we had. It was a lot of fun. We went to the park near my house a lot and just walked around and played frisbee and played on the swings. I loved every bit of it, except for getting bit by ants :P

I've finished up my classes and now I have to take a month break before I can afford to start anymore. I'm hoping I can use the time to get a lot of things done. I really need to clean out my room and figure out what things I want to sell and what I want to Freecycle. I'm also going to work on some Christmas presents (I know I'm crazy and super early). I wish I could write about it but my boyfriend reads this and all the things I'll be working on are for him. I'll post what I make after I give them to him. I'm super excited about some of the ideas I've got swirling around my head. I can't wait.


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