Breaking News
Monday 2 May 2011

Info Post

So...I haven't been posting much lately. There's a reason for that. Lately I've been feeling even sicker than usual. Not only sicker but so much more tired. I'm trying to listen to what my body needs and right now that seems to be sleep, and lots of it. I can't seem to keep my head up for very long before I start feeling run down and begin to nod off. My overwhelming need for sleep has cut into my time for just about everything else (even spending time with my boyfriend) and it sucks. Hopefully it's a temporary thing that can be sorted out after I'm finally able to go to the doctor (I still don't know when that will be).

Besides my fatigue issues I've been swelling. My fingers/ hands and toes/ feet seem to be where it's the worse. I'm also having problems with my eyes feeling swollen which is very uncomfortable but not painful like my hands and feet. I can't walk around much or it gets worse. I can't work on a lot of my craft projects because that makes it worse too. It's put me at even more of a standstill (literally).

So for now all I can really so is wait. Hopefully things will start to improve soon. I feel like they have to.


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