Breaking News
Thursday 2 April 2009

Info Post
I've been a fan of roller derby for awhile now but had never had the opportunity to see a bout live. Last Saturday my boyfriend and I got to see not just one but two bouts. It was so much fun. The girls are amazing. The first bout was between the Atlanta Rollergirl's Sake Tuyas and Denim Demons. Both teams were great but the Denim Demons ran away and won the game 123 to 85. The second bout was much closer. It was between the Atlanta Rollergirl's B-Team, the Rumble B's and Jacksonville. The Rumble B's were down but came back on the last jam to win it 95 to 89. I definitely want to go again.

If you don't know the basics of roller derby this video does a really good job explaining them.

Here are some pictures I took of the 2nd bout. I'll be putting more up on my Flickr soon.

I took some video as well. There's more on my Youtube account.


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