Breaking News
Thursday 30 April 2009

Info Post
Stolen from Kim. Visit her blog, you wont regret it.

What is your current obsession? Hmmm probably cooking. I've been looking up tons of recipes.

What is your weirdest obsession? Pamela Courson, I don't think many people are interested in her.

Why is today special? Because it's one more day until Friday and I finished making a lamp today :D

What would you like to learn to do? To play the keyboard I got for Christmas.

What is the last thing you bought? A Miffy notebook to doodle in and a Fall of Troy vinyl for my boyfriend.

What are you listening to right now? My boyfriend going "RAWR".

What's your favorite weather? Early Spring weather before it gets too hot.

What's your most challenging goal right now? Getting organized.

What do you think about the person who tagged you? She's very cool and has awesome taste.

What's your favorite guilty pleasure? Listening to Disney music.

If you could take a vacation anywhere where would it be
? Probably Disney World.

Top 5 favorite actors and/or actresses? Kate Winslet, Ginger Rogers, Gary Oldman, Eddie Izzard, Jane Fonda

What would you like to get rid of? A lot of my stuff. I need to completely clean out my room.

If you could go anywhere in the in the world for the next hour, where would you go? To see my boyfriend.

Which language would you like to learn? German

What super power would you like to possess? Healing powers or technopathy.

What's your favorite thing about the city you live in? There's lots of fun stuff to do but you have to know where to look.

What's your favorite piece of clothing in your own closet? shoes count? If so then my mary janes.

What's your dream job? Selling my craft stuff.

If you had $150 right now what would you do with it? I'd buy roller skates and a new helmet and pads.

Do you admire anyone's style? Sure, I really dig Shirley Manson's style in the 90s. 90s Courtney Love too.

Describe your personal style? Girly-grunge?

Who's fashion show would you want tickets to? Alexander Mcqueen

Who's closet would you want to raid? Courtney Love's as long as it's full of her old babydoll dresses.

What are you most proud of? Not letting being sick completely destroy me.

If you could have a talent that you do not currently possess, what would it be? Drawing, I'm trying but I still suck.

Rules: Link to sender; answer the questions on your blog and replace one question you dislike with a question of your own invention; tag other people you would like to learn more about.

I tag anyone that wants to take this survey too.


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