Breaking News
Sunday 6 December 2009

Info Post
First mission is to lose some weight. Yes!! My current weight is 53kg. Still some more bulges that I need to trim down. Maybe 2kg more would be ideal. *wink* To achieve my goal, I may need to watch my diet. Have a hearty breakfast, try to skip lunch (but if cannot, then take something light) and take light dinner (cutting down on rice and starch intake). Hmm, wonder if I can do it or not?? I have been taking vinegar for almost a month now. People said that vinegar help in get rid of those extra fat and burn them. Let see the result in another month time.

Second mission is to help my dad to lease his shop. He bought one shop in a new shopping mall. Talking about shopping mall, there has been some new shopping malls coming up. Everyone is going into shopping mall construction. I wonder with such population, can those malls survive?? Kuching population is still not that large and with shopping malls mushrooming around the neighbourhood area, it would prove tough to attract shoppers to the mall. I am now back into retail leasing, and after 2 weeks working, I am surprised to discover how much rental rate some malls offer. Sky-rocket rental irregardless of the size and location. On other hand, some even offers cheaper rate or discount for certain period.

Third. My resolution for new year. Yes, New Year is just few weeks ago. Have you start thinking of your new year resolution? I have think of mine. The most important resolution is to secure my shop and do a small business. Hubby and I have been thinking of doing business, and hopefully we would be able to achieve it next year. So, what is yours?


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