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Sunday 18 July 2010

Info Post

I should be back to posting this week. I was just so worn down from being in the hospital and then taking the antibiotics they gave me that I couldn't really think of much to write about. I'm done with those now though. There are a few posts coming up that I'm excited about.

My boyfriend is having a poker night and I've got some cute ideas for party favors and food. I've been working on place cards and a stencil and when they're done I'll try to scan them and get printable versions together for you guys. I'll also try to take lots of pictures of the things I make.

I'm also working on getting a craft circle of my friends together. I'll try to document the journey here. I've never really organized something like that before but I think it will be really fun if I can make it happen.

I should have a review of my new camera up soon. I haven't been able to use it as much as I'd like to yet. I want to make sure I know all the ins and outs before I write about it.

That's about it for right now. I hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday!


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