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Thursday 7 April 2011

Info Post

 On April 29th my boyfriend and I went to see Kevin Smith's newest movie, Red State. I'll try to keep this review spoiler free since it isn't going to be release in normal theaters until October. I'm sure you can find spoilers easily on Google but until more people have had a chance to go see the movie I don't want to include any here. What we went to was a prescreening with a Q&A after.

I should probably give a little background on the movie first. Red State isn't a typical Kevin Smith movie. It's by no means a comedy it's a horror movie. It's main antagonists are loosely based on the Westboro Baptist Church. The theme of religion is very prevalent but church and state are both represented. The movie is very relevant to today but also sort of feels like a throw back to old school horror movies. It's a really interesting dynamic.

"In the 70's, they made exploitation flicks about devil worship. We flip it on RED STATE - so it's an exploitation flick about angel worship."- Kevin Smith

I have to be honest, I'm normally not into horror movies so I can't compare it to many others. A lot of the time I find them to be too boring and predictable so I don't bother watching them. Red State threw in enough twists and turns to keep me interested. I think the thing that bothers me about most horror movies is that the characters a lot of time are so black and white and don't have much depth. Without depth I end up not caring about any of the characters, and by extension, the story at all. With Red State I didn't feel like it was trying to force me into rooting for specific "good" characters, I found that to be refreshing. Of course there were obvious "bad guys" but in a few moments it made you relate to them. It's more interesting when characters are ambiguous.

Overall I really enjoyed the movie (and my boyfriend did too!). I'd recommend going to see it when it comes out October 19th.

P.S. Happy birthday to Ms. Jennifer Schwalbach because she is awesome :)


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