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Thursday 11 October 2012

Info Post
Gosh, October is already half gone and my last post is 4 days ago.  How time flies!  At the moment, I am super busy with my life that I do not have time to blog. 

Our unpacking of stuff in our house is almost 80% completed.  And I clean and mop almost every day and now it is less dusty.  Compared to the first week when we moved it, I can feel dirt on my sole waking around the house.  And my poor boy developed an allergy to dust but he has recovered since then.  Now my house is more organised and cleaner.  But it takes a lot of hard work.   And time.  And sweat.  Lol!  But I am not complaining.  At the end of the day, I feel satisfy because it is my home.  There is nothing good but to wake up in our own home, feeling happy every day.  Lol!
Early this week I did something that I should have done early.  Have been postponing due to some personal issue but finally I did it!  With hubby's full support, of course. 

If you are guessing what, it is my resignation.  I am tendering my resignation and giving my stokistship a 2 months notice.  You may be aware that I am operating a Cosway free store for more than 2 years now.  It has been ups and downs and good experience to me.  However family is more important to me now.  With those 2 years experience as enterpreneur, I would hope to be able to set up my own business some day.  Small scale and more personal to me. 

What I miss about the current shop? Friends definitely.  Within those years, I have built budding relationship with few customers and they have been very supportive toward me.  I would miss serving and gossiping with them.  Lol!

It is also the right time for me to push a brake to my hectic schedule.  Has been in a rush and my health was also slightly affected.  Have not been feeling well early of the year but I have recupulated slightly this few months.  Along the way I lost a lot of weight and my family is concerned about my physical health.  Not to mention that my diet also not well taken care of.  So either I let go the shop or I lost my health and quality times with my family. 

What I would be doing after this?? For time being, enjoy my life and the pleasure of my home and family first.  I am enjoying my times with my 2 growing children.  And hubby has stable income to support us.  But if good job opportunity comes, I will consider it.

I have no regret in this decision.  :)


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