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Monday 15 October 2012

Info Post
Monday showed a tad too early in my opinion ;) Our weekend was so busy that when I woke up this morning I wasn't sure what state I was in or if I was even in my own home! That has to be one of the strangest feelings. Does it ever happen to you? Crazy weird!

Anyhoot, on Friday we zipped up to my parents for a short visit so that I could have a chance to attend a women's day conference that Saturday. Mr. Doozie and my dad took the boys on an apple picking adventure and my mom and I were able to spend an entire day learning more about God being in the friendship business. It was exactly what I needed. We packed up early Sunday morning and spent the next 5 hours on the road, making it home just in time for our family to change and head off to my nephew's birthday party! And party we did! My SIL held the party at a local farm/petting zoo/pumpkin patch. Cute to say the least! I was asked to be the official picture taker, 500 later and I'm realizing I have a tad bit of editing to do!

So there you have it, busy, fun, full and well now it's here we go again!

I have a few posts up my sleeve this week that I'm excited to share with y'all.
*Pretzel Bread
*Pumpkin Snickerdoodles
*A Sewing Tutorial
*My Big 30 Birthday Giveaway Reveal!

It should be a good week :)


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