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Saturday 3 October 2009

Info Post
Today is the 40th day and it means that Baby Jay is 40 days old. Some people observe 40 days confinement and usually wash their hair and take bath on 40th day instead on 30th day. But I don't, since 30th day I have washed my hair 4 times!! *wink*

Busy is another word to describe me. Damn busy with my new baby. He is super active in the morning, and will only sleep around 12noon for couple of hours. Fortunately Baby Jay sleeps longer during the night and only wakes up for feeding 2 to 3 times. His timing is pretty consistent, one around 12midnight (alternatively 1am, another around 3am (alternatively 4am) and sometimes around 6am in the morning.

So busy that I only have time for myself when the baby and little gal are not at home in the morning, when one sent to babysitter's house and another is at pre-school. Those few hours in the morning feel heaven (peace and quiet). *wink* But when come to weekend, oh dear! Hardly have time to breath and sit down.

I am also busy looking through the vacancy sections in newspapers and, hopefully to be able to find a job soon. So far I have submitted one application. Meantime, I am "siu lai lai" staying at home, looking after my 2 children, and doing other errands.


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