Breaking News
Friday 16 October 2009

Info Post
Darling hubby has been on diet programme for a month now and he has lost 4 kg since then. Every day he would proudly show off his waist line to me. He can fit into most of his pants now.

I have to remind him now and then that diet itself would not do good if he did not exercise too. Hubby has a bad ankle so jogging is not a good idea. Swimming would not be good either since it has been raining almost every afternoon and evening, and public swimming pool is not open till later in the morning. So I suggested to him riding a bicycle instead. I told him to take out his mountain bike that has been idle in the store for many months now. The mountain bike was actually a gift from my dad. My dad knew hubby loves bike so he gave him one mountain bike last year.

After many days of nagging, darling hubby has finally took out his bicycle from the store last night. Hubby is thinking of riding at the nearby park early in the morning since most of the evening, we have heavy shower here. It is a better option as I do not encourage him to ride in the neighbourhood area. One reason is that there are many cars and dogs around, and secondly there are no proper bike lanes for bikers. So to be safe on a bike, it is advisable for him to bring his bicycle in his car and ride at the nearby park.

However when we checked his bicycle last night, we discovered that its bicycle saddle has torn and both tires are flat. So hubby may needs to change the bicycle saddle and both tires. It is coincident that we chance upon this wonderful online bikes store last night. is a great site as we found many nice bicycle saddles there. It is so much fun to shop at because of its choices of bicycles and accessories and not only that. It offers free shipping and 30 days satisfaction guarantee as well.

Hubby is also considering to change the tires to SweetSkinz Tires. SweetSkinz tires are so stylish. There are so many saddles and tires to choose from Darling hubby could not decide which one to get. Some more they are having sales till this Sunday 18 October, so it is a good bargain. Hubby must decide which saddle and tires to buy fast.

Hmm, probably I will get one bike myself, but unfortunately I do not know how to ride one. What a shame! All my family members know how to ride bikes and my dad is into bikes business now. I guess if there is a will, there is a way. Since I am not working and I have some free times during the day, maybe I can practice how to ride a bike. Probably I need to get those training wheels installed as I do not want to get myself hurt.


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