Breaking News
Tuesday 6 October 2009

Info Post
My PIL was thinking of going for a cruise during next year Chinese New Year. I overheard it from my SIL the other day, and she is checking on the package and travel itinerary on the internet. She is the organiser and is thinking of the Phuket package. I only get to know recentlt that this was confirmed plan for the Chinese New Year.

Meaning that we may be travelling to Singapore to board the cruise. And it also means that I have to renew my passport which long expired and make a new passport for my little gal.

Initial plan is to stay in Kuching next year since Baby Jay is small and we don't want to travel back to Kapit. Oh well, it is sudden change of plan from my PIL. I don't mind since I have always thought of going for a cruise some days. But the thought of excluding Baby Jay make me feel uneasy.

If we are to go, then Baby Jay may have to stay at babysitter's house. Don't you feel pity and guilty for the little guy, to be left behind and not to be with his family on his first Chinese New Year??


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