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Tuesday 3 August 2010

Info Post

Soooo last week was kind of crazy because of all the prep work it took to get all the food and everything else ready for my boyfriend's poker night so it's a bit of a blur. The night itself turned out really nicely if I do say so myself. The guys hung out and played poker while my friend Emily and I played The Nightmare Before Christmas version of Monopoly (which is 6 kinds of awesome) and watched Tank Girl. We disappeared for a little while to go play with a bubble gun I found at Walmart. It's really awesome. I've been looking for the perfect bubble gun for a really long time. I've always wanted one that looks like a ray gun. This one is cute and spacey looking but I think I'm going to mod it into my dream bubble gun. I might go back and get a couple of extras just in case I end up breaking this one. Emily went and got herself a couple after playing with mine and told me they're on sale now for $2 which is pretty hard to resist.

The next few weeks my boyfriend is off from school so we get to spend more time together and do fun stuff. Tomorrow I'm supposed to go to a baseball game with my boyfriend and dad. It's a later game luckily so hopefully we wont melt from the heat. I might have to take some Benadryl before I go even though it makes me super super loopy because it interacts with my medication a little. My allergies are killing me right now. I've been sneezing, coughing, and itching like crazy. I felt like I used a quarter of a bottle of eye drops earlier just trying to make myself stop clawing at my eyes.

We have some fun plans for the rest of the week too. We're supposed to meet up with my friend Nick to go see a movie and hopefully to hang out and play board games. I have a really cool one called Ticket to Ride Europe that was a Christmas present. I haven't had a chance to play it yet so I'm excited.

I made a bunch of sandwiches for everyone who came to the poker night and I used to cookie cutters to cut them into all kinds of different shapes (most were just circles but I made a bunch of dinosaurs and other cute things too). I saved all of the crust and other bread remnants in a big ziplock bag so that we can take them to feed to the ducks sometime this week. Hopefully I'll be able to get some cute pictures.


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