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Tuesday 27 November 2012

Info Post
With only a week in-between sets of company life has been a little hectic in these parts to say the least! Our Thanksgiving was wonderful; busy, full, boisterous but still wonderful. I have a few thousand pictures to sort through and edit before I can share it all with you. So instead I thought I'd share a few outtakes from last year's Christmas card photo shoot. They never fail to make me laugh.

At this point last year we had only been at this duty station for a few months and Jackson was completely, utterly, and totally terrified of the military jets that are constantly flying in this area. So a simple photo shoot at the beach turned out to be something a whole lot more traumatic for the little guy. 

Every time we would get the kiddos set up, four or so jets in formation would come screaming towards us and Jack was convinced the end was near! He could not understand for a moment why we were all so okay with this. Poor kid. I'm sure we are up for parents of the year over here!


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