Breaking News
Wednesday 7 November 2012

Info Post
So this is not a normal happy post about the joys of motherhood or a tutorial that will show you a frilly little craft you could whip up. This is just a little reality check for y'all to show you that life over here is not all sunshine and roses! Ugh!

First we are renting, moving every three years has kept us from buying. So far it has been fine, moving from house to house sometimes on base sometimes out in town, I actually enjoy it. This house has been a whole other story....7 months we have been dealing with a leaky roof. I've lost count with amount of contractors that have come through here doing patch jobs, thinking they fixed it. It continues to leak but it was Sandy that really proved them all wrong. In 24 hours my husband collected over 2 gallons of water. It pours into our entertainment system area and we've been decorating with paint pans to catch it all.

Today's contractors seem to be determined. This is the first set of guys to ever open up the ceiling and see what is going on. What they found was mountains of moldy insulation and more mouse poop than I have ever seen! Y'all it is disgusting but they do think they found the source of the leak. I am praying they did. So I apologize if my upcoming posts seem a little weary and dreary, I'm living in a house of mold and poop. Yay.......


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