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Wednesday 12 September 2012

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Hello hello sweet readers! Happy Be Kind Wednesday to you! If this is your first time here, I take Wednesdays as a time to refocus myself and my family, smothering the day in love, acts of kindness and lots of extra grace. Since I've started this I've seen huge changes in how the rest of our week plays out. A mid-week refocus keeps this momma happy and content. Hope you join me!

I love the above print from Katie Daisy, her artwork is gorgeous but I also love the phrases and quotes she uses. This print really speaks to me this week and I wanted to share it with you in hopes of catching you in the busyness of your week and reminding you to slow down, breath, smile, live simply

So much of the world we live in focuses on how much we can get done in a day, what activity our kids need to be dropped off at next, sometimes I feel like if I cant produce a huge list that has been checked off by the end of the day that I'm failing as a mom. In reality it really isn't about all that stuff, all the lists, all the events and errands. It's about people about focusing on the small moments. We can say no to what society is tell us we need to do/get done. I'm working hard on slowing down, enjoying my children and practicing being present. It isn't easy but living simply is a start. What can you simplify today that will help you have more peace and be present in your day? 

For me, today I'm working on simplifying our afternoon/evening routine so that I can have time to sit in the backyard with the boys or go for an evening walk after dinner. We rush all morning long now that Will is in school, so simplifying what needs to be done later in the day will seems to be what my family needs.

Have a simple day :) And there are only 2 days left to enter the GIVEAWAY!


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