Breaking News
Monday 12 November 2012

Info Post
 As many of you know my daughter is spending the year in Spain. Well, let me rephrase that, she’s spending a few weeks at a time in Spain, then off to other European countries on trips, then back to Spain to learn a bit more, and then off again. Now, I’m not one to encourage sending the college kids off to play for the year. In fact, I’m not so much about that. But this is an opportunity for her to learn Spanish fluently, learn about many other cultures, history, geography and frankly to learn that this old world isn’t so big after all, but it is filled with variety and diversity. Oh, and a major lesson she is learning is how to be completely on her own and figuring in out as she goes. That life lesson is somehow better to learn in a foreign land.

We are able to follow her experiences, travels, tears and joys every few days as she blogs about her time there, and everywhere. :) She is an excellent writer and photographer and makes each experience seem as if we are right there with her as we read her blog. It makes this mom feel comforted to know how she is doing, be it good times or bad times (and she has already had some rough ones).

It’s not easy to communicate, even with today’s technology, so we still happily snail mail packages, letters, and cards across the deep blue in hopes of them reaching their destination before the year is up and she returns home.

As some of you also know, when she started college I would design and send her and her friends a post card each week. That was fun for me and it put a little something in the mailboxes of the kids each week. Well, I am attempting to do this again and with her many travels I have lots of visuals to work with.

I shared one post card on my blog of her and her cousin in Gibraltar a few weeks ago (he’s the guy on “The Rock” postcard). I thought it would be fun to show you the other places they have been in the last month (or at least a few of the places and palaces). She sends me postcards of the landmarks, then I send her my visual translation of those places. It’s fun. Hope you have fun translating these images into your own ideas of these European locations. Happy travels!


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