Breaking News
Sunday 8 November 2009

Info Post
Oh dear! It started this morning, but I thought nothing of it till now!

It was a gloomy day today, with Mr Sun seldom came out to shine on us. Laundry is not totally dry again. Sigh! But that is another story. My Sunday is pretty usual, with exception that we went out for breakfast. For 2nd time, we brought Baby Jay out for breakfast. We went to Mitsu Tea House in RH for its Dim Sum. We ordered Cha Sio Pau, Har Kau, fried radish cake , and fried noodles. Baby Jay has been a very good baby. He did not wail or made noise, although he did cried for a while, but that was because he was sleepy. He dozed off by himself in his stroller while we enjoyed our breakfast. Supposed to go for grocery shopping, but we decided not too, since Baby Jay was asleep and hubby still concern on the H1N1 and bringing him to public places.

I noticed I developed red patches on my arms especially the elbows after the breakfast. I did not feel itchy so I did not bother much about it. Then as the day went by, I started to feel itchy on certain parts of my body. I still did not bother as I have developed few rashes few days back. I could not think of what I ate wrongly and I stop applying my usual body lotion on both arms and hands, hoping the rashes will eventually go away soon. But that did not happen and it is getting worse this evening! It is just like what happened to me during this year Chinese New Year in Kapit, when I suddenly developed rashes as I reached Kapit......

As I was typing this post, I am waiting for hubby to buy some antibiotic and cream for me. I am left at home with both children. Baby Jay has dozed off and little gal was lying on the bed after a long day. Oh dear! I am trying hard not to scratch those itchy parts. I still could not think what I ate that cause those irritation!!! Yes, I could hear hubby's car going into the car pouch now. I could not wait to apply those cream on my body. Hope those red rashes and itchiness go away!


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