Breaking News
Thursday 5 November 2009

Info Post
It is always good to have first aids box at home. You never know when you would need it!

I have yellow lotion, children thermometer, bandages, cotton, eye drops, plaster and other ointments. They can come handy when you least expect accidents at home. Just the other day, my little gal has a minor cut on her sole. My bedroom floor is all wooden. You know, the long wooden floor of old house. As time passed, it tends to brittle and chirp on the edges and sometimes some wooden pieces will come out when I sweep or mop the floor. So my gal got a tiny bit of wood stuck into her sole one morning. Luckily it did not penetrated deep into her skin.

Thanks to our first aid box, we use a clipper to pull the wood out from her skin. It is just a minor accident, but knowing my 3 years plus daughter, she will make a scene out of it.

So it is great to have one first aid box at home. Even you have it, make sure you check the contents periodically. Just to make sure the items are not nearing their expiring date or have expired.


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