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Thursday 4 November 2010

Info Post

So...I've had a cold for almost two weeks now and while it's seemed like it's mostly gone away I'm still incredibly tired and have a stuff nose and sore throat. I have a feeling it's turned into a sinus infection. I was trying to wait it out because I really really don't want to go to the doctor.

It's not that I don't like doctors because in general I do. Of course I've run into some not so great ones over the years but I'm pretty sure that has less to do with their profession and more to do with the fact that there are jerks everywhere. I've found some really really great doctors, my GP, OB-GYN, and dentist are seriously the best. I love them all to bits and pieces for how well they treat me. It's not even that I'm afraid of needles or am uncomfortable with medical tests. Luckily neither of those things bother me. If they did I would have been seriously screwed when I was trying to find the source of my headaches and abdominal pain. I've probably had enough blood draw for test to fill another person and I've had so many other strange and sometimes invasive tests done that it really became routine for me. I've had a Barium swallow, a weird test on my heart where they sent bubbles through it, a dizziness test where they sent hot and then cold water and air through my ears, an endoscopy, multiple ultrasounds to check on a bad cyst I have, and so much more. For a few years when I was at my worst I pretty much only left the house to go to a doctor. Today I still have regular doctors appointments for specialist for my health conditions. I always have another appointment coming up. Really I'm just tired of it. When I'm sick with something that seems so minor like a cold I don't want to go through the whole process of a doctor visit.

If I'm still not feeling well after this weekend I'll drag myself to a doctor. I really want to give my body a chance to recover on its own because it worries me to take antibiotics so many times so close together (I've already been on them twice this year). I know using them more can lessen their effectiveness. Here's to hoping my body can handle this on its own!


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