Breaking News
Friday 10 August 2012

Info Post

In India women of all ages are feeling 18 again, yes it's true thanks to "18 Again." What is 18 again you ask? Well, according to this wonderfully entertaining new ad for said product(because it's totally new to me) is a vaginal tightener and lubricating gel that will not only make you dance, feel younger and well this stuff will make any woman feel like a virgin. They actually claim this stuff will empower women, sorry the new age women.

18 Again', a vaginal rejuvenation and tightening gel is redefining the term women empowerment It is a powerful and natural answer to intimate feminine concerns. A remarkable product to empower the new age women.

Ad Agency: Curry Nation, India

The spot and the product itself don't seem to be doing to well over at the 18 Again YouTube channel.


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