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Wednesday 15 August 2012

Info Post
Happy Wednesday afternoon y'all! I'm doing a late post today because this morning I was racing my little heart out in a mini duathlon!

Until last week I hadn't swam a lap in a pool since my early days of highschool on a swim team in AZ. That was a LONG time ago. But this race looked fun and simple enough that I wouldn't hurt myself plus it was free, so I thought why not! Thankfully it all came back to me, kinda like riding a bike and my adrenaline sure helped. I almost whipped out a flip turn but chickened out. Next year, next year.  The creme de la creme with the swim was that I managed to stay 3 laps ahead of a Marine! Boo Ya! To help him not feel too bad I let him catch he caught me on the run ;) he was a mighty fast runner, but that's part of his job requirements right?

The race was broken into a 500 meter swim (10 laps, 1 lap = a down and back) and a 2 mile run. My goal was to do the race in 30 minutes and would you believe when I subtracted my 2:20 transition time (wet legs being forced into running leggings is next to impossible, FYI) my time came out to 29.1!!! Yeah baby! The sweetest part was that Bill was able to take the morning off (several of the guys from  his work were racing, talk about awkwardness!!!). He and the boys were there to cheer me on and it made all the difference. Bill even ran the race portion with me while pushing the stroller to help me maintain an 8:30 mile! So thankful to have a supportive husband!

Not sure what September's race will be but I'm already looking forward to October's! I've convinced my mom and sister to create a team for the Run Like A Girl race with me! Woot woot!

I've definitely caught the race bug, it's huge motivation when it comes to daily workouts. Knowing I have an event coming up helps me drag my bum to the gym. I plan to start swimming again too, I'd like to drop my 12 minute 500 meter for next year's race by at least 2 minutes. So there you have it, that's what this crazy momma was up to this morning :) So many of you cheered me on through Instagram. Thank you :) I sure felt the love :)

I've got a quilt calling my name in the craft room....hope your day is full of joy!


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