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Wednesday 29 August 2012

Info Post
Hello hello sweet readers! Happy Be Kind Wednesday to you! If this is your first time here, I take Wednesdays as a time to refocus myself and my family, smothering the day in love, acts of kindness and lots of extra grace. Since I've started this I've seen huge changes in how the rest of our week plays out. A mid-week refocus keeps this momma happy and content. Hope you join me!

Comparison. Ugh! It's a dangerous thing and I know we all struggle with it. Last month as I was preparing for Will's Lego party I scoured Pintrest for ideas, bounced from blog to blog for inspiration, it was fun and I was excited. However, somewhere in the middle of party-prep I could feel the joy seeping out of me. Which if you know me, party-prep is an ultimate high for me ;) I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I couldn't figure out what the problem was but after talking it out with Mr. Doozie I realized that instead of searching for inspiration I ended up comparing. And POP there went my joy!

Especially as woman we are quick to compare and I see it so much in the roles of mothering and being a wife. A blog post that is suppose to debut a new recipe or and idea for a gift should be seen as inspirational but am I the only one who sometimes leaves thinking "wow, that chic has it all together, I'm really slacking as a wife/mom."? Comparison takes so much energy and we all could benefit by putting that energy elsewhere!
I'm not a huge Dr. Seuss fan but I do love this quote. God made us all so different and I love that. Be proud of who you are, what gifts you have, work hard with your hands, love those around you and when comparison comes near to steel your joy, shout NO! Imagine if we stopped comparing ourselves to others and instead cheered each-other on, supported one-another and focused on our own gifts! How very awesome that would be. So today, be YOU, keep comparison at bay and above all find your joy!
Love to you all!

***In Other News***
I'm on Facebook now! (gulp) It is overly confusing, so bare with me as I relearn it all. I'm shocked at how much it has changed in the past few years. The goal of the FB page is to help update people with what's new in the Etsy shop, help with giveaways and give updates on the adoption (which, yes we have some updates! Look for a blog post on Friday about that!).


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