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Thursday 6 September 2012

Info Post
I don't know what it is about Target but oh my goodness I could spend ages in there and so could my kids! When Mr. Doozie and I had Will and we were in those first few months of shock, we somehow found ourselves wandering our local Target while our tiny human being was strapped into his car seat and for the first time he was completely silent. We were hooked. Ever since then I've kept a little secret that I'm just now sharing today, Target is my go-to babysitter. Before you call CPS on me, NO I do not leave my children in Target. But I do use their wide aisles, clean floors, bright lights and cleverly placed displays to distract my kiddos so I can have a few sane moments in my day.

1 Starbucks Coffee + 2 Magazines + 2 Toy Asiles = About 30 minutes of "mommy time"
I'll admit I do get some looks from the staff, but my kids are quiet, they only play with one toy at a time and we always put them back where they were found. So really, what's the problem? Occasionally if I feel really guilty for my Target nanny we might splurge on a 97cent Matchbox car or two. And yes, Jack is missing a shoe in the above picture...sigh...I'm really a good mom I promise! We've been battling the flip-flops all summer with him. I put his shoes back on right after I snapped this picture so don't shake your head at me ;)

Try it, you'll love it!


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