Breaking News
Friday 9 November 2012

Info Post
We have an early night last night as we attended my girl's graduation concert in MBKS which started at 7pm.  When we reached there around 6.25pm, the auditorium was packed with family members of the students.

So yesterday I cooked dinner early.  SIL came on Thursday night and brought some okana (black olives) from Sibu.  Since hubby loves okana, I soaked some okana in hot water and add a spoonful of sugar and few dashes of black soy sauce on the cooked okana.

I fried some fish pieces I bought from the MJC market.  And cooked pork belly with sour mustard and stir fried small cabbages.  I think I overcooked because we cannot finished all the dishes.  So going to eat them again for lunch today.  Lol!

After her graduation night, my girl complained she was hungry.  Must be too much dancing from her.  So we went to one of the coffee shops in MJC and had our kolo mee supper.  By then it was almost 1030pm.

Everyone was tired and after a warm shower both kids and hubby dozed off while I did some last minute packing for kids' holiday. 

Woke up before 5am this morning, because the kids' flight is around 7.10am.  After sending them off together with the kids' aunt, hubby and I went for our breakfast in McD which opens around 6.30am. 

We tried to sleep but our neighbour was doing some works and make so much noise that we hardly can sleep.  Well, maybe we are going to have an early night tonight. 


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