Breaking News
Tuesday 30 March 2010

Info Post
I got dismissed from jury duty (yay!) and I never got a migraine (yay again!) and they're going to send me $25 for showing up on Monday (even more yay!).

 This is how I feel right now, like a bubley happy fish. Wheee!

 I'm so relieved. Even though I didn't get a headache from the lights yesterday they left me feeling completely drained. I feel super dizzy and weak. I know when I feel more run down it's easier for me to get a headache. The room we had to wait in was so bright I'm sure even with my sunglasses I would have gotten a headache but luckily the hoodie I borrowed from Trevis has a hood that I can pull down almost to my nose so I hid in it the whole time I was there. I'm sure I looked very weird but it stopped me from getting really really sick so I can't really complain. Hopefully on Wednesday I'll be feeling more back to normal. I think the only thing I can do today is rest because I'm not seeing very clearly, the room is spinny, and it feels like my head is trying to float away. All that makes it hard to get anything productive done.

On another note, I've been eating at least two or three oranges a day. We're about to run out. Normally only my dad eats them so I'm sure he's noticed them disappearing much quicker than usual. I've been eating a bunch of the apples too, I can't help myself they're so yummy!


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