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Sunday 7 March 2010

Info Post
I've been reading lots and lots about terrariums lately. I'm not sure why but for some reason they fascinate me. I'm thinking of making one to keep in my room. I wanted to get an aquarium but I've been really afraid one of my cats (Buzz) will find a way to get the fish out of the tank. He's really stubborn and gets fixated on doing destructive things. I'd feel awful if that happened to poor fishies on my watch. A terrarium will be a good replacement for now. I still really really want fish but until I feel I can make a completely safe environment for them I'm not going to get any.

If you don't know terrariums are, they're like little worlds you can create in things like fishbowls, vases, even plastic soda bottles. In the past they were used to observe plants and small animals in an enclosed setting. In the Victorian era people also used them to transport tropical plants on ships. They became a trendy thing to have in your home for awhile but eventually their popularity faded away. They're similar to having a regular house plant and a lot of them don't need much watering. I think they're cute and charming, just have a look for yourself.


Here are a few cool things I found while researching.

Stores that sell tiny things perfect for terrarium decorating:
I'll be gone this week for Spring Break and such so I wont be posting but hopefully I'll have a lot to write about when I get back.


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