Breaking News
Sunday 28 March 2010

Info Post
So tomorrow morning I have to report for jury duty this really wouldn't be a big deal to me at all if 1. I could drive. and 2. Government buildings weren't required to use Compact Florescent Light bulbs. Florescent lights are my biggest migraine trigger. I had to pull out of public school because of them. If it weren't for those two things I'd be super excited about jury duty. I've wanted to go since we did a whole unit about law in my 4th grade Target class. Instead of being excited I'm worried to death about getting sick (I really really don't want to accidentally throw up on someone >.<).

My wonderful boyfriend has done so much to try to help make this week better for me. He's so sweet. He made me yummy food so that I would have something I could just microwave and eat after getting home. He bought me a new magazine and made sure I have lots of Nintendo DS games to take with me so I don't get bored if I have to wait around a lot (he got me a new Pokemon game ^_^). He made sure I had dollars so I can get stuff out of vending machines and made sure I had one of his hoodies with the big hood so I can pull it down over my eyes to shield me from the light. He also made sure I knew when all of his class times were so that I know when I can call him during the day and then after all that he tells me that he hasn't done anything. He makes me feel like the luckiest girl in the world. Here's to hoping I'm not too sick to keep up with his Tumblr this week, it's definitely the least I could do.


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