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Tuesday 6 April 2010

Info Post
When I reached home last week, my going-to-be-4 daughter gave me a big kiss and sang and danced a song in front of me. I missed a lot during the 2 weeks. She learnt to sing "Nobody But You"! That was touching, if you watch how she dances. She only knows the chorus part. Her aunt taught her the song. I should have recorded it. See if she would like to do it again and I shall record it for you. Lol!

Been away from my children, I have grown to appreciate them more. Missed their laughters, cries, kisses, chattiness, naughtiness and gestures. Sometimes at night, I thought of them and I cried myself to sleep. *wink* I guess that is the sacrifice I have to make in order to achieve my dream.

A tough decision I am making now but I know I am doing it for the sake of my family especially my 2 children. I prayed that I will go through this stage smoothly and nothing will stop me from achieve what I have been dreaming off.

People asked me "Do you think it is worth doing it?", "Don't you think you will spend less time with your family?". Yes, I know it is tough and what I am going through would be tough but one thing I am pretty sure. My family will support me. What ever I do, I know my hubby will support me. It may be tough especially this year but once I have settle down I will be able to divert my priority back to my family again. *wink*


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