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Tuesday 6 April 2010

Info Post

I like to play loud music when I'm working on stuff during the day. It would be no real surprise that this would annoy my cat but most of the time he doesn't seem to mind too much. He normally just lays on my bed and goes to sleep. There is one band that will send him running from the room even when the volume is low. He hates Nirvana. He doesn't just leave the room he makes sure to give me a nasty look first. I can't figure out why because I listen to lots of similar music and none of that seems to get to him. You'd think a band that would annoy him would be something...a bit weirder. Because really if you can withstand Gibby Haynes without so much as an ear cocked to the side you shouldn't freak out over Come As You Are.

Anyway...I've been playing Independent Worm Saloon a lot lately so I thought I'd share one of my favorite songs from it, enjoy:


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