Breaking News
Friday 22 October 2010

Info Post
I could not believe it!

Hubby was telling me the other day that this year only left slightly more than 2 months! Wow! I could not believe my ears when I heard it. How time flies. There were so many things happen this year, that I did not have much times to breathe and relax. Lol!

First is my business. It has been 5 months since I operate my shop. Everything is on track, and slowly I can see my network is building too. It takes years to see the passive incomes that is substantial for me. Lol!

Anyway I am looking forward to the remaining 2 months of the year. Why not? A lot of festival and special events happening, such as hubby's birthday in November. And it reminded me to get him a belt since he has been complaining and hinting that he needs a new belt. And school holiday is around the corner too. Even my girl is reminding me of her school holiday because she is going back to hometown during the holiday. I wonder whether she would be celebrating Christmas in Kuching or not this year, but nevertheless I shall stand-by her present.

When it comes to a year end, you will start to think back what you have done and what you are going to achieve in the new year. Yes. Time to set your resolution. But it is pretty hard to achieve what you want to achieve, right? I learnt my lesson from past years that never to set high resolution for myself if I never really think on how to achieve it in first place. So a moderate resolution would do. Hmm, have not really thought of what I want to achieve next year. How about you? Have you think and plan about it yet?

Set appropriate priorities - Philippians 1:10,11


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