Breaking News
Monday 12 December 2011

Info Post
I used to have a staff working for me last year in the shop. Now she is working in Singapore. She is a very naive and hardworking girl. She does not have much education, but she does what was told. An obedient girl and I have no problem with her work attitude.

There was only one thing I cannot stand about her and that was her BO (body odor)! I never have weak resistance toward other people B.O until I have children. Wonder my pregnancies make my nose more sensitive to smell?? Lol!

And my staff never do anything about her B.O until I took the matter into my hand! Luckily I sell deodorants, so one night when I could not stand it any longer, I passed one bottle to her. Told her it was a Christmas gift and she must tred and tested it herself, so she knew how to sell to customers! Lol! I think I did not offend her in any way but I guess she took the hint. She even bought deodorants from that day onwards! I even forced her to take Chlorophyll as it helps to reduce B.O.

Customers come and go. Some really has bad BO, but being courteous I never suggest deodorant as a purchase to customers unless they ask. How would you tackle this situation? Can help me increase the sales of my deodorant without offending anyone? *wink*


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