Breaking News
Sunday 11 December 2011

Info Post
It is Monday again! Don't you wish it is weekend again??? But life goes on.

I still thinking about the tasty roasted pork I had at Jen's baby party last Saturday! The biggest pig I ever see! Around RM800 for a 60kg pig.

Yummy!! I am drooling! *Slurp*

*Back to the present*

With no schooling, I turned off my alarm clock so I could sleep longer. But somehow the biological clock keeps waking me up around 7am. If not, my boy will wake me up asking for his feeding. And few mornings we were over-slept, and hubby was having a mad time in the morning; rushing to work. Me and Baby Jay takes our time before I sending him off to baby sitter.

One of our favourite breakfast place is NK Food Network. Hubby and I love to go to NK as we enjoy its Western breakfast. Few choices to choose, but I like its Big Breakfast (RM8.50 per plate).

I like my sunny side up egg.

This is hubby's plate.

We usually have a quick reading on The Star online website, a quick check on Facebook and a game of monopoly. At least no kids to disturb our peaceful morning breakfast. *wink*

After our hearty breakfast, we are off to our respective work places and start our long day. How you start off your Monday morning??


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