Breaking News
Tuesday 3 January 2012

Info Post
New Year celebration is over and kids are back to school, everyone is back to work. But I am still thinking about the goods and worsts of 2011. And I still write "2011" on paper subconsciously. Yes I know. 2011 has ended and everyone is looking forward to 2012 but it is alright to remember the good and bad times. So before I forget and for myself and my family to read in the future, I better pen them down here.

Some days were bad, but who doesn't have right? The key word is to learn to relax, de-stress and less worry. Most of 2011 I were in uptight positions, may it be in business or family. I hope this year would be a better year and hope I would enjoy life to its fullest!

Alright, let's talk something good here!!

Some hightlights of my 2011:

January ****** My Indonesian worker left us for good. After working for 9 months, she requested to be home for CNY. She said she will be back but it was a lie. We knew at first because she packed everything. It was hectic in the shop back then but I survived. Thank god I found 2 good staff who still working for me since March.

February *******Bring the kids back to hometown for CNY celebration. It was Baby Jay's first visit to grandparents' town. Luckily it was a smooth trip as he slept in the airplane and also in the express, keep the stresses away from us.

May *****Officially operating the shop for a year and my 1 year as a stokist.

June *****We had a 2 days makeup and photo taking session in the shop. Little girl was also one of the participants. Her first time doing make up and being photographed. She has a fall and cut her scalp the night before, which gave us a fright! Luckily she was fine.

August *****Got a digital camera as my birthday present from hubby! Still polishing my photography skill here. Maybe this year hubby will get his Canon camera since he has been drooling over its Canon EOS.
****** Hubby bought his first iPad2. For work and leisure he said. *wink*
****** Officially started our extension and furniture fitting in new house. Cannot wait to move in. Everything should be ready by mid-year the latest.

October ********First time going to Sibu by land. We drove for nearly 6 hours per route. A tiring experience but we see a lot of things along the way.
****** Enrolled little girl in music class. She enjoys herself and hopefully she will get her own piano and we are able to hear her play on one(provided she passes her Grade One first!).

November ******Little girl participated in the school year end graduation dancing performance. Really proud of her performance!
****** Family vacation to KL cum shopping spree. First visit to Zoo Negara.
******On reading momentum for the month as bought a lot of books from Logo's Hope.

December *******Family has a short vacation in KL during Christmas Day so I am in charge of looking and feeding after their dogs. GOsh! Hard to look after dogs after all, especially one old and almost blind terrier and another naughty one. And my brother complained his dog lost weight while he was away!! What to do?? Both dogs are so choosy when it comes to food. Lol!
******* Joined Her Space, a great place to meet up with other great women and exchange opinions, and got my first Starbuck gift card for participating in their forum!

Hope for more exciting and prosperous 2012!


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