Breaking News
Sunday 11 November 2012

Info Post
It is darling hubby's birthday today.  Since it is a working day, we celebrated his birthday a day earlier yesterday.  My dad invited us to dinner last night for double birthday celebration.  My god-brother's birthday fall yesterday so we have his family together with ours for a Chinese dinner in Courtyard Restaurant, Jalan Petanak.

So I cooked lunch at home yesterday.  Ala Western.  Pan-fried lamb shoulder, mashed potatoes and egg and cherry tomatoes salad. 

Pan-fried lamb shoulder
I marinated the lamb shoulders with salt, black pepper and worcestershire sauce for an hour.  Then pan-fry them for few minutes till the shoulders were done.  Keep the juices from all those frying for its sauces.

Lamb steak sauce
Chopped few cloves of garlic and sliced 2 shallots.  Chopped 1-2 celery stalks and a carrot.  Heat up a wok and add 2 tbsp oil.  Added garlic and shallots into the wok and saute till fragrant before add celery and carrot with the juices from the lamb earlier.  After the vegetable almost cooked, add some water.  Let it simmers.  Then added 1 tbsp of butter, 1 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp oyster sauce and dashes of black pepper.  Let it simmer for 1-2 minutes then sieve the sauces into a bowl.  Spooned few spoons of sauce onto the lamb shoulder before serve.  As for the vegetables, you can eat them or keep for other vegetable dish.

Cherry tomatoes and eggs salad
Washed the cherry tomatoes and lettuces.  Chopped the lettuces into small pieces.  Sliced the boiled 2 eggs. Added cherry tomatoes, lettuces and eggs into a bowl.  Added few tbsp of extra virgin olive oil, few dashes of black vinegar and few pinch of salt.  Mixed well and chilled before serving.

Mashed potatoes
Peeled and cut potatoes before add into a boiled water in a pot.  Added 1 tsp of salt into the boiled water.  Let the potatoes cooked till it is soften.  Took the potatoes out from the hot water and slowly mashed the potatoes with fork.  Add 2 - 3 tbsp butter, half cup of low fat milk and few pinches of salt into the mashed potatoes. Depends on how you want your mashed potatoes to be.  Mixed them well.

Our ala Western lunch for the birthday man! 

After our dinner last night in Petanak, we went back to MJC to discover the whole MJC in the dark.  That was before 9pm.  Luckily we have our dinner without any interruption in Courtyard Restaurant but nearby shops were blackout.   

So we had to drive and stop by H&L in 3rd Miles to get some candles and a touchlight.  What a way to celebrate hubby's birthday.  In the dark with candle light and hubby played his guitar.  The electricity only came back around 11pm. 

This morning around 8.10am, again no electricity in MJC.  Some areas also affected but it was not that bad compared to last night which almost the entire Kuching was affected.

Nevertheless, Happy birthday to darling hubby!  With loves from your dearest.


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