Breaking News
Monday 20 September 2010

Info Post

Lady Gaga gave a speech at a rally in Portland today. She and many others were gathered together against the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy the military has. Don't Ask, Don't Tell has always come across to me as something so antiquated that I have a hard time remembering it was put in to place in the early 90s. It's a violation of basic human freedoms and rights. Who you love in your personal life should not effect your standing in your professional life. Losing good soldiers because they were outed is disgraceful. They work to make sure the citizens of their country have freedoms but they are not granted those freedoms themselves. All of the speakers stories were moving and powerful. Gaga's speech was electrifying. She reminded me of why I have an interest and passion for politics. It's because I love people and believe in trying to make the world a better place for everyone. I'm hopeful that tomorrow DADT will be repealed but if it's not those of us that find it to be so horribly wrong must not give up hope. We have to keep fighting.

Here is Gaga's speech:


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