Breaking News
Thursday 23 September 2010

Info Post
I've had some really great ideas for blog posts want to get together but computer issues have been standing in the way. It's supremely frustrating to say the least. I was using an old ThinkPad laptop as my primary computer but the power cord no longer stays connected properly. Every time it comes loose the computer beeps and the screen dims. It can go from being connected to not connected 30 times in 30 seconds. I've put it to the side because I think the power cord is finally going to stop working at all very very soon. I'm going to have to attack it and get all of my files off as fast as I can soon. We have another old laptop (a Compaq) that was laying around not being used so I'm using that for a little while. So far it's ok but the trackpad is way too sensitive. Last but not least I have my old Dell desktop which is frustratingly slow.

My lovely boyfriend knows how much I've been frustrated by the computers I've had access to and to help ease that stress he built me a brand new desktop. Before I move it in I have to clean and reorganize my room which is no small feat but at least that gives me some light at the end of a very long tunnel.


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