Breaking News
Tuesday 7 September 2010

Info Post

I'm so glad it's a short week. Not being able to see Trevis a couple of weekends ago made this weekend seem to go by way too fast. I miss him already.

This week I'm attacking the clutter in my room. Trevis has been working on building a computer for me (he's so sweet) and he'll be done soon so I need to clear a space to put it. He also bought me this new desk:

I'm really excited to put it in. The top is reversible so it can be either pink or blue depending on your mood (I'll probably use the pink side). The blue and pink are actually brighter and darker (and I think prettier) in person. I'll probably have to get some small filing cabinets to store some things in but overall I think it'll be perfect. My old desk is big and clunky and not really made to put a computer on. I have to put this big metal keyboard tray on top of it so I have room for my keyboard. Unfortunately it takes away all of the desk space I would have for doing school work and things like that. It also makes everything else (my mouse, speakers, monitor, etc.) super cramped. It would be better if I could put my computer on the floor but the desk has drawers (which are falling apart and becoming useless) on both sides so it takes up all of the floor space as well. I've had it since I was in elementary school. It was a good desk when I didn't have a computer on it but it's become very awkward and uncomfortable. I think the new desk will help solve most, if not all, of those problems.

Hopefully in just a couple more weeks I'll have a nice work space organized and a brand new computer ^_^


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