Breaking News
Wednesday 1 September 2010

Info Post
It is going to be school holiday soon and my little chatterbox is away for a week. Yes, little gal will be going back to her hometown with her grandma tomorrow morning. So she is having her holiday a day early.

As for myself, everything will goes as usual for business. No holiday. Last month was a great month for me as I managed to hit my targets. Yes! Happy. Business is booming as slowly people is coming to the shopping mall. Hari Raya is a week away, and customers are taking opportunity to shop around. My Malay staff will be taking a 3 days holiday, so it means I would have to be at the shop. When it comes to holiday, it would be busy time for us.

The kids' babysitter is taking a week off end of the month as she is going to Thailand for holiday. So hubby and I have to juggle between our times to take care of the two kids during the day.


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