Breaking News
Friday 10 February 2012

Info Post
Jackson is my "chill" baby, my "it's all good" baby. He goes with the flow, gels with most other kiddos and thinks life is pretty sweet. Can you tell?

So I'm sure he wont mind this news, but I thought I'd tell y'all. I've ditched his lumberjack birthday party plans. Simply because we are exhausted, we keep catching bugs, Bill's workload is crazy right now and we just want to slow down, take a breath and celebrate this one as a family. The theme isn't going anywhere, I still love it. Maybe we'll do it next year or just as a fun Fall party. Thanks Mr. Jack for rolling with us :) We sure do love you bud!

Happy Friday y'all! Our plans are to finish up the floors, grab a date night and relax as a family :)


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