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Tuesday 14 February 2012

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My mom always did an excellent job when it came to Valentine's Day growing up. It was never over the top, just a simple day where she showed us in simple ways how much she and my dad loved us. In the past few years I've started celebrating this day the same way for our kiddos. There's just too much hype for it to be a romantic day for Bill and me, so we try to focus on our family and friends :) I'm perfectly happy with that! Here's what our sweet day was all about:

The day before I had the cousins do a little finger painting for me to help with the decorations. That night I turned their finger-paint art into our heart garland :)

Our Valentine's Day room :) The heart garland will be a tradition now, it took me way too long to cut out and sew! I told Bill it's staying up for the rest of February! The tired stand was already painted white so I figured it worked and I filled it with the fabric hearts I sewed for Bill's birthday a few months ago and all the goodies Will received from his school party. He also made that little heart wreath at school that is hanging from the lights. The balloons were left over from a commissary trip bribe, glad they hung in there! And the two little bags held a piece of candy, a small container of bubbles and the creme-de-la-creme of simple gifts for the boys, Mario Kart Wii matchbox cars!

Their reaction when they woke up in the morning :)

I love Will's hand on his hip here! As if he is saying "well, mom you've outdone yourself again" ;) haha!

Oh yeah! Momma did good!


Then the cousins got together to enjoy a Valentine's day breakfast with heart pancakes and pink whip cream! I'll admit I gagged a little as I watched Jack dip and re-dip his bacon in the whip cream! Ugh!

Next it was on to crafts for the two daddies who had to work. The boys totally rocked them. I've got pro crafters on my hands!

Then it was time for a little baking. Will is such the helper these days but I think it is mainly because he has figured out that if he hangs in there the whole time the other kids wander away and he gets to lick the beater in peace :)

While the cookies baked, I helped my SIL, or I should say gave a few pointers and cheered her on while she whipped out these adorable burp cloths for a gift! Cute huh? I was happy to donate some scrap fabric to such a cute cause :)

Then it was time to cut our cookie bars and put the kiddos down for naps and quite time! Whew what a day! The last few hours of our day were spent with Bill, enjoying a yummy Italian dinner and skyping with Memere and Grandpa! What a perfect Valentine's Day!


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