Breaking News
Tuesday 20 March 2012

Info Post
Some things are meant to be kept quiet and not spread around or been mentioned again. However some people simply love to dig out the past. Some more they bombarded the Facebook with their predicament or satisfaction every single days.

Every morning I would log into my Facebook account. Now I dread to go in, because of those people's postings. Don't know whether I want to laugh or cry at their postings but their postings are getting long winded and ferocious as the days passed. It has nothing to do with me, I know.

Come on, girls! Some memories are meant to be forgotten. Especially the unpleasant ones. Why need to dig them out and debate over the Facebook? Like you want the whole world to read and know your nothing-to-be-proud-of (or I should say "embarassing") life stories. What is past is past. It would not come back and times cannot be rewinded to that moment. What is lost is lost. Just move on with your life and leave the rest of us at peace. Haven't you have enough of fighting and arguing for the past one year??? What satisfaction you get from all those?

Ooopps! Sorry guys for my nonsense ranting here. Just need a place to spill out my opinions before I lose my temper. Few things happen at home, which I would rather not mention here. Don't worry, it has nothing to do with me or my hubby and kids. Just cannot stand certain ungrateful people. And it makes us more wanting to move out from the house sooner.

Hope my mood will be back to "cheerful" mode soon. Shall post "cheerful" posts next time. *wink*


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