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Sunday 25 March 2012

Info Post
Hello hello! Did y'all have a good weekend? Did you know that I love your comments? Tell me what you've been up to! Or not, and make me look like a sad little blogger with no comments to read ;)

We had a very sweet, simple weekend. Bill is still traveling so it was just me and the boys. Saturday morning we grabbed donuts and headed to beach for a few hours. The weather was dream-like, we could have stayed all day. Lots of popsicles were made the past few days too! I'll tell you more about that in another post. We also had an amazing kid-photo shoot (yep...stay tuned for another post) where the boys were able to run and puddle stomp and I think the grandparents just may cry. On the way home I found some AMAZING items tossed on the side of the road (you guessed it, another post!) And then Will and I did a little painting during Jack's naptime. I forgot how relaxing it is to dip a paintbrush into a set of watercolors. A simple, sweet, refreshing weekend.

Here are few pictures to recap :)
Enjoy your Monday!


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