Breaking News
Monday 16 July 2012

Info Post
Some of you already know that this past week has been full of heartbreak and confusion. Our pastor's wife took her life, leaving behind three young children and a broken husband. She was an incredibly loving person, always reaching out to those in need, she was beautiful, kind, a truly amazing woman. It breaks my heart that her soul was so tormented.

The church family is hurting, and lots of questions of how the future will play out are swirling around. As we prepared this week for the funeral and memorial services I couldn't help but cling to the phrase, "But God...". Anytime this is written in the Bible it's because God is about to move, it is always a turning point, whether it's chaos to peace, danger to safety, brokenness to redemption. But God ~ two words that can change everything.

I've cried harder than I ever have this week, I feel like my soul has been rattled and the thought of her sweet children without their mother brings me to my knees. There are no answers right now so I'm holding onto that phrase. But God.....

He sees the pain, he knows every detail, it is now obvious that he was already preparing the church, so I have to believe He will move, he will redeem.

I know this is not a normal post from me. I always want to be honest with y'all on here, so forgive me if it comes across preachy. I needed a place to shake out the emotion and pain and this post helped.

I'm going to try hard to get back to normal posts around here, just know you might get a few more of these in the days to come.

Thankfully my parents had already scheduled to take the boys this past weekend. The timing was perfect, allowing Bill and I the freedom to help in anyway we could. I pick them up on Tuesday and from the sounds of it, they have had a wildly good time. Thank you mom and dad for loving on my munchkins during this time, it gave us such peace knowing they were with y'all!

I'm off to seize the day! I've got a long list of things that need to be attended to, first of which is to register Will for Kindergarten. Eeeek! Love to you all~


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