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Monday 9 July 2012

Info Post
Two weeks ago David and I celebrated our 6 year anniversary! I can't believe we've been married 6 years! Feels longer ;) We left Mia with Grandma and Grandpa and enjoyed a wonderful family weekend away at Hampton Beach with Eliana. It was wonderful to celebrate our six years together with Eliana, who is a part of us and has brought a lot of joy and excitement into our lives :)  I know a lot of couples do only adults or time alone away together to celebrate a wedding anniversary, but we have never been like that.  We do everything together all the time. Which is probably why we drive each other crazy all the time ;)...But I wouldn't have it any other way!

We went to Hampton Beach in NH and relaxed for the weekend.  So I'm sharing a few pictures of our wonderful weekend! I know--I know two weeks late, but better than never! ;)
Family Picture by the beach :)

The gorgeous sunset we saw the first night. I wish I could live on a beach. So peaceful.

We hadn't known this when we planned to go to Hampton Beach, but there were fireworks and a sand sculpting competition planned that weekend! Added surprise to our weekend getaway! Eliana was so thrilled and I'm glad this year fireworks don't scare her anymore :)

I'm always so impressed with sand sculpting. Here are some pictures of the sand sculptures:

And who would have known -- EasyLunchboxes can sand sculpt? ;)
I wanted to make sure we had some healthy snacks while spending the morning at the beach so I filled an EasyLunchBox with some fruits and veggies. It worked out perfect since it fit so well into the hotel's mini fridge! :) So instead of snacking on chips or junk food, which are so easy to find at the beach, we snacked healthy.

Eliana with our snacks :)

I packed blueberries, strawberries, cucumbers, celery, tomatoes and baby carrots. I also brought two cute food picks to prevent the sand from getting in our food. (I don't like eating sand covered fruit). As you can see, sand on her hand, no sand in the food. 

Eliana eating some strawberries. Actually she ate them all before I got a chance to have any! :)

We love our EasyLunchBoxes so much we bring them on our weekend getaway :) 
How much do you love your EasyLunchBoxes?

p.s. Stay tuned later this week for a giveaway celebrating my one year blogiversary! :)


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