Breaking News
Monday 8 February 2010

Info Post
After collected my bonus and commission last Friday I started my shopping list. Hahah! At least I did not finish all my monies.

Passed RM1K to my SIL so she can help me change to Korean Won. Yes! We are going to Korea for our CNY vacation. RM1K exchange for Korean Won 340,000. Wow!

Some money I save, some used to settle my credit card and some to pamper myself with shopping. I bought myself a nice walking shoes from Viss and winter hat from Universal Travellers last Saturday. I am all ready for the vacation. I even started packing the winter clothings in my big luggage bag over the weekend. Lol!

One item that we need to get before the vacation is a digital camera. Hubby is waiting for his commission which is out tomorrow. Then we will go together to get our camera. Either Canon or Sony Cybershot.....see what is the offer then.

For few weeks I have cut down on carbo especially at night. Last week I tried my jeans and to my surprises, I can fit into some of them! Yahoo! Now I no need to worry that I do not have any pants to wear to Korea. Lol! I have also started taking Quaker oats in the morning (under influence from my colleague). She lost 1 kg after 1 week of taking oats and I do hope that I will be able to lose some more. I just started taking oats yesterday so if I am to continue till Saturday, I do hope I can lose 1 or 2 kgs there, plus no rice for me during dinner. Hmm, hope I am that determine and able to make it for few more days.....And then eating like "no body's business" during CNY. There go my effort. *wink*


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