Breaking News
Friday 12 February 2010

Info Post
I have been on holiday mood since yesterday. Not working as company is closing for CNY yesterday and today. What I did? Spring cleaning my bedroom and clearing my wardrobe and kids' too. Repack my luggage bag for my vacation. As for the house, not much done since my SIL has done so last week and throughout this week since she is not working. A lot of things have been thrown out from the house. It does make the house look spacious and organised! Lol! Later around 1pm, I am going to pick my little gal from pre-school and Baby Jay from babysitter's house.

Tomorrow is the beginning of the Year of Mighty Tiger. For the first time in my life, I will be away during the Chinese New Year. Along with hubby’s parents and siblings, we would be flying to a far away land tomorrow evening to enjoy a different culture, ambiance and food. What a way to kick off a new year!

I would have tomorrow to visit my family and celebrate CNY with Baby Jay and Princess. By evening, we would send Baby Jay to baby sitter's house. Mummy promised Baby Jay that there would be lots of presents for Baby Jay when we are back from the vacation.

Parents-in-law would be flying and arriving here in the afternoon. Reunion dinner will be ready by my BIL. Probably I will have early dinner with my hubby's family then go over to my parents' house for another reunion dinner with them. Lol!

I will blog more when we are back from our family vacation. So, watch out for my next posts in this blog and my family blog............... Happy Chinese New Year and Happy Valentine's Day to all my readers and friends. May the Year of Tiger brings luck, happiness, health & prosperity to you and your family. myspace graphic comments


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